Reviewed financial performance Quarter 3 (F45)
Financial Statement (F45) BJC HEAVY INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (In thousands) Financial Statement Quarter 3 For 9 Months Reviewed Reviewed Ending 30 September 30 September Year 2019 2018 2019 2018 Profit (loss) 6,251 (60,188) 21,632 (159,780) attributable to equity holders of the Company * EPS (baht) 0.00 (0.04) 0.01 (0.10) Type of report Unqualified opinion Remark *For consolidated financial statements Please review financial statement (Full Version) before making investment decision "The company hereby certifies that the information above is correct and complete. In addition, the company has already reported and disseminated its financial statements in full via the SET Electronic Listed Company Information Disclosure (SET Portal)." Signature ___________________________ ( Mr.Seung Woo Lee ) Director Authorized Persons to Disclose Information
By Stock Exchange of Thailand Date 14 Nov 2019 17:10:00

Quality Assessment of AGM 2019
In AGM 2019, the Company received the full assessment score at 99 of 100, considered as the excellent level under quality assessment by Thai Investors Association (TIA) for the arrangement of its 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders. This is another success to prove that the Company has continued to give importance to and focus on continuous development of corporate governance.

BJCHI successfully delivered Ophir project
On 7th July 2019, BJCHI has successfully delivered Phase 4B BLWPC and Decks Fabrication and Transportation project to Ophir Thailand (Bualuang) Limited (Ophir), one of the leading oil and gas exploration companies operating its business throughout Africa and Asia.
This is another testament for the Company in executing oil and gas projects for well-known clients to which the Company is always committed to providing quality service and high standards of project management.

A World-Leading Gases and Engineering Company – The Linde Group in BJCHI
Welcome The Linde AG, Engineering Division Company from Munich, Germany visits BJCHI on February 13th, 2019 at the main office, Rayong Thailand. New Hydrogen station in Louisiana, USA into operation is growing steadily so Linde look forward the professional Fabricator to participate the Modularization for new Hydrogen Plant in Convent Project. This project is the most one of interesting indeed and BJCHI is a potential fabricator and qualified for Modularization experiences that Linde prefer Pre-Qualification checking Capability and Facility in BJCHI.

BJCHI & Santos QLD Take-Off Project Meeting
The first Awarded Project in 2019 had been Take-Off Meeting on January 29th, 2019 at BJCHI’s the main office, Nikhompattana, Rayong Thailand between BJCHI and Santos Queensland Developments Pty Ltd. – the explored for Oil & Gas in South-West Queensland, Australia for “Fabrication & Supply of GLNG Wellhead Skids Project”. BJCHI – the Tender were awarded to supply and fabrication of Well Head Separator skids for Santos’s upstream development in the Coal Seam Gas reserve in Northern Queensland, Australia. We are now logon skids performance for 3 years +2 years additional option which the first batch will be delivered in the 3rd quarter of the year.

Downer EDI Limited visits BJCHI
BJCHI was welcomed cordially Downer EDI Limited on 6th December 2018 at BJCHI’s main office, Nikhompattana in Rayong. Downer is designs, builds and sustains assets, infrastructure and facilities and the leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand. The meeting was forming part of audition for the Project Transmittal and Prequalification BJCHI’s capabilities into the initial of Project, and BJCHI have successfully completed the meeting with essential business further.

Kick Off Meeting between BJCHI, Petrobras, and KM
BJCHI had kicked off meeting with the leader in Oil&Gas exploration industry “Petrobras” and Kerui-Metodo Construção e Montagem S/A(KM) the best provider production company for “UPGN PROJECT” on 12th and 13th November 2018 at BJCHI’s the main office, Nikompattana Rayong Thailand. This meeting was focusing on the aggregation of business validity and complementation project together under high capability of BJCHI management system.

BJCHI in Singapore
October 16-17, 2018
BJCHI’s delegation has visited Singapore for its business workshop with potential client. The workshop is part of company’s strategy in supplying of modularization work form its Thailand’s base to Singapore’s construction site.

BJCHI in Japan ( Chiyoda )
October 3, 2018
BJCHI’s delegation has visited Chiyoda Corporation at its Headquarters in Yokohama, Japan for strengthener the relationship between the two parties.