Report for the resale of shares on the exchange

Headline :  Report for the resale of shares on the exchange
Symbol : BJCHI
Source : BJCHI
      Report Form for the Resale of shares

Subject                                  : Report Form for the Resale of Shares 
on the Exchange
Report date                              : 07-Sep-2022
1. Result of resale repurchased shares
Resale date                              : 06-Sep-2022
Number of shares resold (shares)         : 633,700
Highest price (THB per share)            : 1.75
Lowest price (THB per share)             : 1.74
Total received (THB)                     : 1,103,235.00
2. Number of repurchased shares which have not been resold
Number of shares repurchased which have  : 894,800
not been resold (unit: shares)
Number of shares repurchased which have  : 0.06
not been resold as % of paid-up shares
Total value of shares repurchased which  : 2,318,893.45
have not been resold(THB)
Due date for the resale of shares        : 11-Sep-2022

The company certifies that the information contained in this report is true and 
complete in all respects

                         Signature _________________
                                     ( Mr.SeungWoo Lee )
                                       Deputy Managing Director
                                 Authorized Persons to Disclose Information
By Stock Exchange of Thailand  07 Sep 2022 08:20:00